Picture by Martina Gleissenebner-Teskey

Code Red: Technology, Madness, and the Future of Humanity

Ursula Eysin


A monthly column for people who are pissed off about technology going rogue.

Hello beautiful people,

I am stoked to announce the launch of Code Red, my monthly column for people who are pissed off about technology going rogue, want to do something about it, and wish to create a better future for humanity.

Who dis?

I’m Ursula Eysin, a published columnist for e-media, Austria’s biggest technology magazine, where I’ve covered opinion pieces on technology gone rogue, what to do about it, and how to create a better future for humanity since 2018.

Fun facts about me:

I am a trained ballerina and used to work as a production manager, moderator, and presenter in theater, opera, and film before I became a passionate technology consultant and communication professional.

And, though I don’t have a drop of Chinese blood in me, I am fluent in Mandarin Chinese.

What do you get?

Against all recommendations, I will not clutter your inbox with weekly or, let alone, daily messages.

I have to confess, I am a legacy writer. I know, I know. That’s hugely frowned upon by online writers who push out listicles with life advice on a daily basis.

But my columns reflect deep insights, and I stubbornly insist on writing them well. So they need a while to be birthed.

Your subscription would mean the world to me!

If you like and subscribe, you’ll get a monthly issue delivered to your inbox every first Sunday of the month.

Sounds good? It get’s even better: Subscribing to the column is free and simple. A small step for you, a giant leap for my publication.

Just head over to my substack: https://coderedbyredswan.substack.com/p/coming-soon?s=w

And Subscribe now.

Of course you can unsubscribe anytime.

Want to connect with me directly? Just toss me an email at ursula.eysin@redswan.at or find me on LinkedIn @ursulaeysin or @redswanvienna.

From Vienna with love,

Ursula (or Red Swan, my company’s name)



Ursula Eysin

Founder&CEO Red Swan (www.redswan.at), Technology-Consultant, Columnist, Creative Strategist & Communication Expert. Interest: Technology and the Human Factor.